I sure don't know. I doubt anyone else has a clue to that one, either.
I've never done particularly well with change. I am most definitely a creature of habit, and have been for a very long time. I have my routines, I'm comfortable with them, and when circumstances force me to step outside the boxes of those routines my mind tends to go a bit haywire.
Lately everything has been changing. The changes have been sweeping and most definitely life altering. My home is gone. The 2 cats that had been with me for 6+ years are both gone to wait for me at the rainbow bridge with their various per-deceased furbaby adopted brothers and sisters. A friend died from heart problems at the age of 42. I've moved in with my boyfriend despite our agreement that while we work in the same place on the same shift, living together probably isn't a great idea. (So far it's working out, simply because we each have our own room, which means we each have someplace to escape to. I'm not certain how long such will be the case, though, simply because my paranoia gets to me at times.) Then there's the lawsuit that's pending against the con artists who are trying to rip me off for the rest of the money from the sale of the house, having to deal with a lawyer on that, and the uncertainty that always surrounds legal proceedings.
I'm finally beginning to get a few routines set back up (altered, really) now that I'm pretty much settled in here at James's place. Some of them are easily enough altered, simply because they were relatively simple routines having to do with work to begin with. I'm setting up a few new routines to cover some of the areas that have changed so drastically, mostly having to do with my smoking since I can't inside the house. (That was going to change regardless of where I ended up - I had already decided I wouldn't smoke inside the new place, as an added incentive to help me quit, which I think is going to work doubly well over here.)
The question I find myself asking this past couple of days is "when am I going to have the Opportunity to go look for a new place of my own?" Well, I ask myself that, and I ask myself, "should I wait to look for a place until I have a chance to pay off the old fines and get my drivers license back, and possibly have a car?" That one though I've already formulated a plan to deal with, provided the lawsuit doesn't go terribly wrong. Even after the lawyer takes her cut, I'll have enough to pay off all the fines and get a fairly nice car and get it tagged and insured.
Moving isn't going to simply entail finding an apartment or rental house to move into. It's also going to require some planning on my part to account for things like renting a truck to move everything out of storage (about $100 there as far as moving expenses go.) It's going to require replacing all the stuff for my kitchen that ended up getting left behind as not worth the trouble to box up and move, mostly because the vast majority of it was either worn out anyway, or in need of washing before it Could be boxed up, thanks to the plumbing problems that were prevalent over at the old house. That's going to be tricky to put a price tag on. I'm going to have to replace dishes and silverware - about $50 between them. I'm going to have to replace all my pots and pans - there's another $200 for a decent set. I'm going to have to replace the dining table and chairs - opps, there's another $150 for a cheap but serviceable set. All the small appliances are going to have to be replaced as well - which will run anywhere from $300 up to about $1500, depending on whether I get a few of the things I've wanted for a long time but didn't get because of either financial factors or because I had a working whatever even if it wasn't as nice of a model.
Either way, moving out of here and into a place of my own is both imperative and expensive as a proposition. Hang on kiddies, the ride isn't slowing down any time soon.
The Superior Hat
1 day ago